
Are you interested in taking your 25% Tax Free Pension Money?

We can also assist with a Pension Review or help you consider your Retirement Options.

If you are looking to access your Pension Fund from Age 55, you can take 25% of your Pension Fund, TAX FREE. We can complete this task by post, phone and email.

Complete your contact details in the form below and we can provide you with a tailored report of your Retirement Options. There is no cost for you to make an enquiry and there is NO OBLIGATION. We will hold your hand and support you through the process, providing guidance and cost effective solutions using secure companies that are household names. We will provide you with information to allow you to make an informed choice.

What happens with the other 75% of your pension?

Having taken 25% of your pension fund as a tax free lump sum, you have some options for the other 75%

A) Flexi-Access Drawdown – Leave the funds invested for your future retirement with the ability to take withdrawals if needed.
B) Buy an Annuity (a guaranteed income paid for life)
C) UPFLS – Uncrystallised Pension Fund Lump Sum – Take all the money and pay tax on it


The Golden Rules for taking your 25% tax free cash.

1) Shop around. Do not stay with your current pension company. They rely on your laziness and may have expensive charges.
(By switching provider could increase your income by 13% and a quarter of all consumers are paying 1.5% p.a. on their pension pot whilst charges can be as little as 0.4% p.a.*)

2) Know where your money is invested.
(1/3 of consumers who didn’t get help were invested in ‘Cash’ which offers a very poor return*)

3) Make sure your money is working for you.
We can help with this by suggesting funds that take measured risk investing in a mix of different assets, diversifying your investment.
(Consumers who invested in a mix of assets could increase their income by 37% over 20 years*)

* taken from the FCA report, Retirement Outcomes Review – June 2018.


How does it all work?

Simply Retirement are an authorised and regulated financial adviser, with over 20 years of experience in Financial Services having specialised in providing retirement planning services to customers.

  • We will contact you to confirm your details and find out how we can best help you.
  • We can provide you with a Retirement Options Report, to help you consider your options.
  • We will deal with your existing pension provider to confirm what benefits you have.
  • If you want to proceed, on your instructions we will provide you with comparison quotes from three providers to consider their charges and features.
  • We will discuss your ‘risk profile’ for your investments and provide guidance concerning funds for your consideration
  • We will arrange the movement of your pension fund and get your 25% tax free cash paid to you.
  • We can provide an ongoing annual service to manage your funds and investments moving forward, providing essential administration support when taking any further benefits or withdrawals.

Pension Drawdown

Complete this form to get a personalised pension drawdown quote

DD slash MM slash YYYY


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Why take Drawdown advice?

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) produced a report called the Retirement Outcomes Review (MS16/1.3) in June 2018 which commented on how benefits were being taken since the Pension Freedom and Choice legislation was introduced in April 2015. They warned that using Non Advised Drawdown many consumers took the path of...

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